COLTT 2012 conference presentation

Author Archives: Tracking Tweets with Twitter

TrackingTweetswithTwitter_Job_Aid_COLTT2012 (download link)

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Microblogging is the act of posting very short (140 characters including spaces) messages on the internet. In the past five years microblogs have grown in popularity with a myriad of apps being developed that further expand their functionality for social networking, marketing, and education. Twitter is the largest of the microblogging services with almost half a billion registered profiles, over 100 million of which are in the United States. Twitter users send over 125 million microblogs (Tweets) every day!

A brief overview of Twitter will be provided that covers what it is and key features that will be used during the session. Orientation will include three instructional applications and the apps used to support them while displaying a backchannel for participant interaction during the presentation. The Twitter backchannel will create a real time conversation alongside the live spoken remarks. This can include activities such as fact checking and comments about the presentation topic. The majority of this session will be spent on experiential activities using three apps:

1) Tweet Deck (PC & Mac) allows you to manage Twitter feeds, review multiple Twitter feed channels and accounts side byside, schedule future Tweets, monitor and manage your tweeting, and stay up-to-date.

2) TwitPic allows sharing of photos and videos as they happen. Photos and videos are posted on the site as Tweets from a computer or mobile phone.

3) creates an online newsletter by pulling web content from Tweets. This app automatically monitors information based on your search criteria and updates daily or weekly.

Participants will work with the apps during this session. Bring your own laptop!